Month: February 2014



Hi folks, I hope you are having a good week? 

This weeks Sunday@thepub is meeting at the usual time of 8.00pm and we are meeting at The Ye Old Ship Inn in Monkseaton. We hope that you can join us. 

This weeks reflection comes from this Sunday mornings lectionary reading about the transfiguration. you can read it here Also have a look at the attached photo…

I wonder as you read it and as you look at the image if you can ponder on the characters involved, i wonder how they feel? I wonder how you would feel? What do you think of this passage? What do you think it says to us? What lessons can we learn from it?

Cheers, Rob

Love the Lord your God…

Hi folks, this week at dchurch we have been reflecting on love, and as part of our evening we had a look at this passage from 

Matthew 22:37-40 The Message (MSG) Jesus said, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence.’ This is the most important, the first on any list. But there is a second to set alongside it: ‘Love others as well as you love yourself.’ These two commands are pegs; everything in God’s Law and the Prophets hangs from them.” 

I love this passage its one of my favourites, i love looking at different versions of the bible and how they describe things… this is interesting comparing it with the NIV when it describes as we should lobe God with all our – heart, soul and mind… In the message version… what does it mean to love God with your passion? Prayer? And intelligence? How do these differ from the NIV? 
This weeks sunday@thepub is our regular quiz night meeting at Cullercoats Crescent Club, if you are free why not come along and join us? We aim to start the quiz at about 8.15 and its 50p per person to enter. We hope to see you there. 
Cheers, Rob

Praying and Interceding

Hi folks, i wonder where January went! As i write i can see blue sky… very nice! This weeks sunday@the pub is meeting at the Briar Dene Whitley Bay, if you are 18 and over then you are welcome to join us. We meet at 8.00pm and tend to leave about 9.30.

This weeks reflection comes once again from The Northumbria Community and its rule of life.

We are called to be available to others through participation in His care and concern for them by praying and INTERCEDING for their situations in the power of the Holy Spirit’.  

These words are particularly challenging in these uncertain times when food poverty is a real issue for many in and around where we might live, as well as the bigger picture issues of war and injustice that face many on a daily basis. There are no straight forward answers for some of these issues, but we can stand with them in prayer and intercede for them. And maybe the issues that we see all to readily around us through food poverty is an issue that we can directly be involved with… interceding through our prayers and actions of donating food, writing to our local MP or other such things that raise the awareness of some of these issues. 

So how do you pray and intercede for such things? What is the difference between prayer and interceding? What are the issues that you are concerned for? 

God bless, 

Cheers, Rob