Advent Lament, Brave Merry Christmas

Hi folks, I wonder if you are ready for Christmas? I know i’m not! Anyway this week we are meeting in the Cumberland Arms in Tynemouth at 8.00pm to talk and share together, it would be great to see you if you are around.

This weeks reflection is a Spoken word poem that I stumbled across it’s from Christmas 2014, but it raises some interesting questions and deals with many ongoing themes that are still live today. Have a listen and think about the feelings it raises in you.

There are a couple of questions for me about Christmas and lament. We have this weird thing going on at this time of year where we can force happiness on people… But for many as the spoken word poem indicated Christmas is anything but a good time. How do we mark this reality in our lives and in our churches? I’m reminded of the lady that took one of the Christmas Angels last year and she held it tight as she remembered the mum she had recently lost… the card said “don’t give up”. It moved them to email us to thank us for the angel.

So how do we keep the reality of the world close this Christmas? How do we appreciate the simple things more effectively? What can you do this Christmas that makes a difference to those around you or to something that’s going on around the world?

We will be thrashing some of this out on Sunday night, I hope you can join us.

Peace, Rob

One comment

  1. Our church Christmas card says ‘When hope came down’ then this morning someone’s on the news losing all his family at sea, so there’s floods, our leaders vote for more bombing, noone’s interested in saving the planet ( that’s my lament for this year) where do we find the real Christmas joy the real Jesus the real hope for you and me. I’ll leave that with you.

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