Month: August 2015

God whispers I love you…

HI folks, i hope you are having a good week.

This week is curry night at so we will be meeting at 7.30 at Shikara if you want to join us let me know asap!

This week i came across this quote by Mike Yaconelli, it really does challenge me….11017513_10153403237641321_2237197290481210964_o

It also raises some questions…

Have you ever felt at your wits end with the amount of distractions in your life?

How can you declutter your life to hear Gods ‘I love you’?

What does it mean for you to hear Gods ‘I love you’?

How can we enable others to hear or experience those words?

God bless, Rob

Wherever love is…

Hi folks, hope you are enjoying the weather, its cheered me up anyway! This week at sunday@thepub we will be meeting at 8.00pm at the Crescent Club in Cullercoats. You would be more than welcome to join us if you are free.

This weeks reflection comes from Pray As You Go, it’s a daily devotional app that i have been using for the last few weeks, its worth checking out i you want some inspiration in your devotional life.

Anyway these latin words really spoke to me this week…

Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est. ‘Wherever love is true, God is there.’

I wonder what this phrase means for you?

What does true love look like?

Where has this phrase been true for you?

You may have also seen the video clip I shared with you about the guy who randomly payed for someones shopping. I have already had an offer of some money to do this… If you are interested in giving towards this then please message me with your suggested donation. And we will work out the logistics.

God bless, Rob


Hi folks, here is this weeks reflection to get you thinking… Greenbelt shared it, its a quote by one of the bands that are playing this year ‘The Revolutionary Army of the Infant Jesus –

“We live in a world where we are being sold things every hour of every day, but the things we truly value are not the things we are sold, but the things we discover. To that end we are content to be discovered.”

So what do you think this means?
How does this connect with being a follower of Jesus?

For those who are able to gather we will meet in Copperfields in Tynemouth at 8.00pm.

Cheers Rob